It is the policy of this company:

  1. To ensure so far as reasonably practicable the health, safety and welfare at work of all its employees and others who may be affected by its operations.
  2. To prevent any adverse effects on the environment resulting from any activity, process or service undertaken or provided by the company.
  3. To undertake its activities, processes or services in compliance with existing and new health & safety and environmental legislation and related guidance notes issued by the Health and Safety Executive, Environmental Agency and other official bodies which may affect the works.
  4. To ensure that employees are informed and are fully aware of their responsibilities and are provided with the resources and training to achieve policy objectives.
  5. To maintain a planned and controlled environmental health & safety monitoring system by audit visits or other appropriate means for monitoring the effectiveness of operating procedures and working conditions.
  6. To cooperate with our clients and other interested parties to minimise any impact on the environment that our activities may have.
  7. To seek continuous improvement in the environmental and health & safety performance of the company.
  8. To cooperate with employees to achieve the objectives of the environmental, health & safety policy.

We stress that it is the duty of each employee, while at work, to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and for that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions. We require everyone to co-operate with the company to enable us to comply with the regulations.

A senior manager has been assigned responsibility for implementing and maintaining the objectives of this policy, irrespective of his other functions. On an annual basis, the managing director will review this policy and any amendments will be brought to the attention of the employees.

The company has a good environmental, health & safety record. The active cooperation of every employee is necessary to ensure that this standard is maintained and improved. The senior management of the company will provide unequivocal backing to all employees who endeavour to implement and carry out the requirements of the policy.


BibbEgan Group Limited’s (BibbEgan) fully accepts its obligations to operate in accordance with the requirements of all current legislation and codes of practice relating to Health and Safety.

Compliance with legislation is regarded as the minimum requirement.

The Company’s Health and Safety Policy confirms its commitment to the prevention of injury and ill health and continual improvement in Health and Safety management and performance; to achieving the highest practicable standards of Health and Safety on all projects with which it is associated and to providing working conditions that are safe and healthy for all employees and those under the company’s control. The company also confirms its commitment to providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment; to ensuring safe handling and use of substances and to providing relevant information, instruction and supervision for employees.

The effectiveness of the BibbEgan Group Limited’s (BibbEgan) Health and Safety Policy relies heavily on the competency and co-operation of company employees. The policy is communicated to all persons working under the control of BibbEgan with the intent that they are made aware of their individual occupational health and safety obligations. Every employee has the personal responsibility for implementing the Health and Safety Policy and applying safe systems of work.

The requirements of the Health and Safety Policy are communicated to all employees and their involvement in the management of health and safety is actively promoted through effective and regular consultation.

The Company has an excellent record for Health and Safety at its places of work. It recognises that this is achieved through the active participation of both management and those employed by the Company, in identifying hazards and risks and then taking positive action to control them.

Ultimate responsibility for health and safety lies with Mr James Bibbey who, supported by the company’s external Health and Safety Consultants, ensures that adequate resources, advice and training are provided to deliver the objectives of the Health and Safety Policy and review performance on a regular basis along with proposals for continuous improvement.

The Company’s Health and Safety Policy is documented, implemented and maintained and provides the framework for setting and reviewing the occupational Health and Safety objectives. BibbEgan Group Limited’s (BibbEgan) will ensure that Health and Safety will never be compromised for other objectives. The policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate, or sooner should measures need to be taken to ensure its effectiveness.

This policy is available to all interested parties upon request.

James Bibbey
Managing Director
for and on behalf of BibbEgan Group Limited and all its subsidiaries.