Recycling & Reclamation

BibbEgan Demolition & Strip Out operates at the forefront of recycling in the construction industry. We are genuinely proud of the fact that 95% of the materials removed from all our sites are either reused or recycled, fulfilling our commitment to sustainability.

It’s BibbEgan’s policy to identify, extract, segregate and recycle or dispose of wastes produced in a diligent and responsible manner.

On site, we separate construction, demolition and excavation waste into metals, wood, and concrete and reclaimed bricks. Demolition waste is then further sorted, crushed and recycled into a range of secondary aggregates.

We always strive to:

  • Maximise opportunities for the reuse and recycling of waste materials
  • Divert waste streams from landfill and non-productive incineration, wherever practicable
  • Employ deconstruction and disassembly methods to achieve whole waste recovery, where efficient and appropriate to net waste worth
  • Ensure that waste materials are separated, stored, handled and transported safely and their specification is preserved without risk of contamination
  • Optimise the use of energy, and conserving natural resources in the production and processing of waste materials
  • Reduce the environmental impact associated with our activities
  • Train our teams to achieve high competence levels in best practices with particular emphasis upon the waste management chain
  • Our highly effective Environmental Management System is rigorously maintained and focused upon performance improvement, supported by the development and implementation of innovative waste management solutions.


BibbEgan Demolition & Strip Out is a company with a reputation for consistent innovation at the highest level of project management.